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Hagginwood Church of Christ
About Us
Hagginwood Church of Christ 
 We are non-denominational and have no central headquarters or president. The head of the church is Jesus Christ only (Ephesians 1:22-23). The Churches of Christ are autonomous, The Word of God (not men) unites us and makes us one in Faith (Ephesians 4:3-6). We follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and his holy Apostles only. We are here to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, and the invitation of eternal Life with God if we remain faithful to Him. We also are here to plead to all religious groups to return to the Blble and speak where the Bible Speaks and remain silent where the Bible is silent...
Hagginwood Church of Christ
3271 Marysville Blvd. | Sacramento, CA 95838 | PH: (916) 925-5838; FAX: (916) 925-4746
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